Adding GMG E-Farm as your AIM Software Provider
To Connect your GMG E-Farm account to AIM, follow these simple steps:
1. Login to
2. Click animal identification and movements
3. Click interact with AIM using farm software providers
4. Click the box beside GMG Software or GMG E-Farm (FSP021) and click continue
*Note: If you cannot see that option on the list click Here
5. Tick the agreement box and hit submit
6. You may have to wait until 12pm for the changes to take effect
Removing an existing software provider from AIM
If you have used another software package previously, you may need to remove its access before granting us access.
1. Login to
2. Click Animal Identification and Movements
3. Click Interact with AIM using Farm software providers
4. Click the box beside Update on the right side of the table
5. Click End date software provider, then Click confirm on the next screen
6. You may have to wait until 12pm that day before the changes take effect
7. Go to step 4 on adding GMG E-Farm as your provider by clicking here